Thursday, 28 February 2019

How to reduce weight, just 15 minutes a day!

To reduce weight, just 15 minutes a day!

Update Feb 28/2019
By-Manojit biswas

 Diet app

Many people think that ingested diet diets in the diet tracking app is annoying and time-consuming. But this process takes only 15 minutes. Diet tracking apps are also quite easily available.


This study, published in Obesity Journal, is mainly used to determine how much time to spend on 'diet tracking' to reduce the weight. In this study, 142 additional weight participants participated. According to the researchers, a person should consider eating food regularly Be aware.

At this time, the lifestyle of day-to-day exercises for weight loss, not enough food to eat or even to eat. But there is a useful job, which takes just 15 minutes. It is not eating what you are eating all day, be careful. This reduces the weight very easily.

This study, published in the Obesity Journal, is mainly used to determine how much time to spend on 'diet tracking' to reduce weight.

Many people think that ingested diet diets in the diet tracking app is annoying and time-consuming. But this process takes only 15 minutes. Diet tracking apps are also quite easy. The best news of the day is WhatsApp AdsAbrach
In this study, 142 additional people participated in the study. They all participated in online group sessions for 24 weeks and discussed ways to reduce their weight. They use a diet tracking app every day. In the first month, Participants spend an average of 23.2 minutes on this app. But at the end of the study, they cleared the work in just 14 minutes daily. Those who have almost every time they log in to the app after eating the food list, they are able to reduce weight quickly.

According to the researchers, a person becomes aware of his eating habits in regular eating food. He understands that there is more calories in food and drink, so he avoids this meal in the future. In this way he was able to reduce the weight.

What can be the banana eating bananas in the morning? Learn ...

What can be the banana eating bananas in the morning? Learn ...

Update Feb 27/2019
By-Manojit biswas

The potassium is rich in potassium, fiber and magnesium. It increases strength and keeps it away from fatigue. Every day bananas are eaten. But it is not right to eat it in an empty stomach. Because there is 25 percent sugar in the pulse.

Living at this time: breakfast or morning snack is the most important among all the meals of the day. Because the seven-eight hours we slept after eating at night, our body carried out the energy stored energy. So we need to eat something within half an hour of sleeping in the morning.

But many do not eat plenty of breakfast in the morning. Someone went out to work for tea or coffee. In the early hours of the morning, skip the breakfast and many others. So fast in today's busy life you want to have a quick but healthy diet. That's why many people start a day ate a banana. Because these fruits do not wash, they do not have to cook. Besides, it is also nutritious, but it is also nutritious. But there are many disagreements about whether it should be eaten in an empty stomach.

The potassium is rich in potassium, fiber and magnesium. It increases strength and keeps it away from fatigue. Every day bananas are eaten. But it is not right to eat it in an empty stomach. Because there is 25 percent sugar in the pulse. If you eat too much sugar in an empty stomach, you may feel tired. Apart from eating bananas in an abdomen, acid can be eaten. According to Ayurveda, it is not right to eat any fruit in the empty stomach in the morning. Whatever we currently buy, we can have harmful chemicals. So it is absolutely unfair to eat it in the empty stomach in the morning.

What to do?

Banana can eat in the morning. But it must be mixed with other foods. You can eat bananas after eating a bowl or a bowl, a banana smoked can be eaten, and with oatmeal can be mixed with bananas and other fruits. In this, your body will get nutrients and excessive sugar will not enter the body.

Vitamin C is very beneficial to control blood pressure and diabetes.

Vitamin C is very beneficial to control blood pressure and diabetes.

Update Feb 28/2019
By-Manojit biswas

Disease sufferers? Every day Vitamin C Khan. Blood pressure and diabetes will have two controls.


A study has been done in this topic at the University of Dacin, Australia.
It says that after eating lunch on a daily basis,
Vitamin C risks a 36% drop in the risk of playfulness.

Lifestyle Desk: Eat leanu with rice every day? Are you orlab and moosambi very dear? Keep in mind, if these two fruits are your preferred blood sugar will be in control. Heart disease is also far away. This is the latest survey.

A study was conducted in the University of Dacin, Australia. It has been said that after eating lunch every day, the risk of diabetes reduced by 36 percent due to vitamin E rich fruit.
Apart from this, the amount of antioxidant that Vitamin C richly contracts against type 2 diabetes. Controls blood pressure too.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Work is sitting in the office? Your death is coming!

Work is sitting in the office? Your death is coming!

Update Feb 27/2019
By-Manojit biswas

There are also some small shorter exercises that can be placed on the chair, these exercises are done in the work-out. Keep in mind that the amount of calories it consumes every day of our body is to be used. So try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day.;postID=4165793155471645273


Those who work long hours sitting on the desk, they suffer from waist and neck pain.

It is not possible to leave office. So every day should be made some habits in the work hours.

At this time living room: We have to sit for long periods in the office or business field of work requirement. Due to long sitting, many diseases and disorders start to bind them slowly, which can be deadly. The study found that high blood pressure, diabetes, waist fat, excessive cholesterol in the blood, heart problems, weight gain etc. are among those who work on the seams.

Also those who work long hours on desk, they suffer from waist and neck pain. What can be done in this case? It is not possible to leave office work. So every day should be made some habits in the work hours. For example, after an hour or so, walking from the chair for a while, instead of going to the lift instead of the lift, practice getting up, sitting straight on the chair.

There are also some small shorter exercises that can be placed on the chair, these exercises are done in the work-out. Keep in mind that the amount of calories it consumes every day of our body is to be used. So try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day.

Besides, instead of roasting, fruits or nuts should eat more than the national food. Green tea helps reduce cholesterol in our body, so milk can be eaten instead of milk tea or coffee. If there is any health problem, you should consult the doctor.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

If you want to survive in the early stages of prostate cancer attack!

If you want to survive in the early stages of prostate cancer attack!

Update Feb 25/2019
By-Manojit biswas

It is normal to have twelve hours of sleeping in the bathroom to run in the bathroom. Panchanana - This common symptom of the old age of sixty years. And if you go back to the night, then it will be normal to wake up twelve. Originally grown up with Prostate Gland.


If the test shows that cancer is limited to the prostate gland, then radical prastacticemy cancer can be removed completely.

Sometimes prostate cancer cells are destroyed with radical radiotherapy instead of surgery.

Sometimes, sometimes surgery or radiotherapy is regularly monitored without doing anything.

Life time: Diseases are not age-wise, but if the age increases, the patients try to attack with the line. One such problem is prostate cancer. There is no reason to hear the name. Modern medical science can effortlessly seize this disease. Assured senior consultant urologist Dr. Amit Ghosh

It is normal to have twelve hours of sleeping in the bathroom to run in the bathroom. Panchanana - This common symptom of the old age of sixty years. And if you go back to the night, then it will be normal to wake up twelve. Originally grown up with Prostate Gland. The urine-shaped gland starts around urinary tract just below the bladder, and urine problem starts. When the age increases, the prostate gland's ability to start decreasing in normal practice. And the gland continues to grow slowly. However, in many cases the cancer of the gland, but the prostate increased. Therefore, it is important to show the doctor if urine problem after 45 years of age.

Prostate gland cancer is increasing gradually

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the number of men infected with prostate cancer is second in terms of other cancers. Within two years, the number of prostate cancer cases will be doubled. However, a convenient aspect of prostate cancer is that it is very slow (slow grouting cancer). Completely cancer free treatment is possible when treated at the right time. So if any problem, please consult the doctor without disrupting the disease. After a 45-year-old surgeries, at least once a year, urologist suggests PSA or prostate-specific antigen test. But the problem of prostate means that there is no reason to think of cancer.

  • Bathroom is run several times at night
  • To go to the bathroom frequently. Strong velocity occurs but it is quite difficult to start urination in the toilet.
  • In the daytime, in Rathore too, run to the bathroom more than once. Do not sleep well enough to spend a lot of time in the bathroom in the night.
  • Although the speed of urine decreases much earlier than the urine flow. Hessison is termed as a medical terminology.
  • It takes a lot of time to get urine. Where it takes one to one and a half minutes, it takes two to three times more time. Somehow the urine does not want to end.
  • Increase the chance of bleeding with urine.
  • Can be low back pen with waist, thighs.
  • Erectile dysfunction can be
  • There is discomfort and pain in the waist and around it.
  • Difficulties in maintaining urine.
  • Many times the urine may be stuck when the prostate gland becomes excessive. It's called retention of urine. In this case, the patient was given temporary respite with the aid of catheter after admission to the hospital.
PSA tests will be done

Primary concepts about prostate cancer are done through PSA tests. However, some specific tests can be confirmed only after the disease. But before that digital rectal examinations need to be done. If this test shows that prostate gland is like a hard nodule, then you have to think about the possibility of prostate cancer. If the amount of PSA is more than four, then the cancer is feared. If necessary, the staging of CT scan, MRI and biopsy is determined by the stage of cancer. It may be necessary to scan the isotope bone to know how much of the cancer has spread.

Cancer can be cleansed

If the test shows that cancer is limited to the prostate gland, then radical prastacticemy cancer can be removed completely. Sometimes prostate cancer cells are destroyed with radical radiotherapy instead of surgery. Sometimes, sometimes surgery or radiotherapy is regularly monitored without doing anything. With the help of hormonal therapy, cancer can be completely stopped when cancer is reached on advanced stage. So if you are cancer, then do not cure the disease by taking the help of proper treatment.
If you have any urine related problems then you should consult the urologist. Prostate cancer is mainly due to age-related diseases. Apart from other physical problems, this disease can be completely eradicated by radical prostate, hormonal therapy or brachiotherapy. Due to fear of being overweight, the problem will increase if the problem increases. Do not talk more today to live a normal life by winning prostate cancer. Over 80, the number of people who are healthy with prostate cancer surgery is not less than that. Fight against cancer. Stay good

Hepatitis Vaccination

Hepatitis Vaccination

Update Feb 27/2019
By-Manojit biswas

Health officials have the potential to suffer from this infection. Whereas, the antidote is stored near the hands. But not because of the lack of awareness it does not take everyone. So ...

Health officials have the potential to suffer from this infection. Whereas, the antidote is stored near the hands. But not because of the lack of awareness it does not take everyone. So for the members of the National Medical College Hospital, hepatitis B vaccination is organized by the West Bengal Progressive Medical Technologist Association. National Principal Ajay Kumar Roy and Vice-Principal Sandeep Ghosh were present along with the two state secretaries of the organization, Viswabrata Mahapatra and Samit Mandal and other state leaders

Monday, 25 February 2019

Alu khan nishchinte, Diabetics also suggest doctors - Anirban (400)

Alu khan nishchinte, Diabetics also suggest doctors - Anirban (400)

Update Feb 25/2019

By-Manojit biswas

\ N More chief minister's advice to eat more potato experts during this time: \ B can not be the mahabharata impure if playing potatoes? Blood sugar levels or weight ...

\ B more chief minister to eat potatoes

Expert experts say

During this time: can not the mahabharata become impure? Can blood sugar levels or weight gain? Is potato good or bad?

In response to a recent comment by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, Janmanas started to visit such questions. Three days ago, standing beside the potato peasants, the state government pledged to buy 10 lakh metric tonnes of potato and called for maximum 'Alu Khan' to all. Experts also give clearance to the ashes, and there is no problem in potato. In fact, in the case of weight control or diabetes, more problems than potatoes are rice or bread. Rather, modern medical science says that potato plays a role in regulating diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association described the avoidance of potato as a 'popular myth' recently. Because some parts of the theoretical physicians still think that there is danger due to the consumption of potatoes, rich in starch and carbohydrate. So many people forbid potatoes to eat. But doctors say that since the early 1970s, the old philosophies have broken out since the latest research paper published in the data-statistics. A melody on the throat of endocrine or nutrition experts

Dietetian Origijit Dey said, "100 grams of potato contains 22.6 grams of carbohydrate. There are 77.4 grams of rice and 73.9 grams of carbohydrate in bread. What is the problem of potato rice! But potato is not fried, it is better to eat. It is not for potatoes, but for oil. ' He said that there was a long way in misinterpretation of the under-ground vegetables. Now it's a lot less. Because now it has been proven, 100 grams of carrots are 10.6 grams, onion 11.1 grams and red mulao have only 6.8 grams of carbohydrate. Medicine expert Arindam Biswas also said, "Basically, due to oil, it is said to avoid potatoes."
Why is it soaked in potato? Scientist of Andocrinology Sathinath Mukherjee said, "In fact, potassium in the glacieric index is higher than many other foods. In other words, the amount of blood sugar increased faster than the equivalent of half an hour in half a hour, while playing 100 gram of potato and five meals. But there is no reason to think that there is a danger. Since chlorogenic acid in the pot reduces insulin resistance, there is no question of omitting, but the diabetic diet should definitely be potatoes. However, his advice is good to eat with potato-peas.

Emergency TIPS: Tension is not, go to the excel, think furfure!

Emergency TIPS: Tension is not, go to the excel, think furfure!

Update Feb 25/2019

By-Manojit biswas

The exam season is going on. Secondary end The first big exam of life. Now turn high Start this. Then there are Joint Entrance.



  • Now admission to most colleges is entrance.
  • It is not spring in the life of the testers. 
  • They woke up in a tension. Many of them slept in the night. 
  • Forget about what will happen, how can I get the opportunity to study the next house in the state's top ranks.
This time, the living room: the exam season is running. Secondary end The first big test of life. Now turn high Start this. Then there are Joint Entrance. Even now, admission to most colleges is entrusted. As a result, this is not really spring in the life of the candidates. They are in tension. Many have woken up in the night. What will happen, forget all, how to topple the next house ruby, how to get the opportunity to study at the college-university of the highest grade of the state - these are pre-syndrome syndrome. The cold head will be able to write correctly, but it will be done. Fortis Hospital's Counseling Psychologist thinks Damini has some tips on how to do this. Let's take a look

Do not expect extra
                       Expectant teacher-teacher-teacher should not have excess ambition. It is important to understand how the study was made.

 got five more than the OMOK test, why do not you think this is less. It is worthwhile to say this also. If compared, the Confidence Level decreases.

How to guide the tester correctly

1. Do not indicate the order, it does work more.

2. Help the tester stay stress free and maintain that environment at home.

3. Motivate if you work hard to study.

4. Sufficient rest and sleep urgency

5. Junk Food is not exactly at this time. There is a possibility of acid. Need balanced feeding at the right time.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Gastric pain? Find out this easy 5 solution

Update Feb 24/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Due to eating and eating irregularities and eating healthy foods many people are suffering from gastric problems. Especially after a little while before the meal, and when eating more delicacies and oil spice, it is more difficult to eat.

Life time: Many people suffer from gastric problems due to non-eating and non-eating food due to food intake. Especially when the meal is a little earlier-and after eating more fry and oil spices, this problem started to grow bigger. But do not worry too much about this gastric pain. You can get rid of Gastric's pain very easily for domestic solutions.
Let's take a look at what to eat to eliminate gastric-

Your chest may get rid of the heat and assimilation immediately. Take a piece of molasses in front of the chest. Keep it as long as it melts completely. The best news of the day is WhatsApp AdsAbrach
However, this solution is not for diabetic patients.

Gastric can immediately solve the problem When the problem starts, stay in the chew with two cloves face. Eat sour juice. You will see that the acidity disappears within a short time.

Ginger is particularly effective in treating chest and acidity problems. Eat a small piece of ginger in chapati before eating half an hour, and you will see that the problem of gastric will not be the same.

Basil leaves
To remove gastric problems, the juice of mint leaves has been used since ancient times. Get rid of acidity and gastric by playing chestnut leaves or leaves chest every day.

sour yogurt
Eat a day after eating after eating food. It will digest food. Assidy problems will be reduced.

If you get antibiotics yourself? Be careful, there is danger!

If you get antibiotics yourself? Be careful, there is danger!

Update Feb 24/2019

By-Manojit biswas

We have eaten antibiotics by showing or showing the doctor in many diseases due to various reasons. In the medical terminology, it is called prescription diversion. Doctors, however, called the trend very dangerous.


Doctors say, 'It is not dangerous for him to give antibiotics to those who have not been given, but for the entire population, the reason for the fatality. Once the body does not respond to this antibiotic.

If you are sick, then show the doctor. Do not go to the doctor yourself. Its consequences can be fatal.

Life time: Fever from the night, along with the coughing cough. Office will run in the morning. Do not have time to look doctor. So a few days ago, his sister also had the same problem as the one who ate the medicine, and did not eat it after considering it. For now, the fever will be weakened, later seen.

Sandeep fever was two months before the month. At that time the doctor ate medicine. After the fever again, he survived the survival of antibiotics. What is the need to go to the doctor repeatedly in the same problem? When the medicine has to know.

At this mentality we all are suffering. We have eaten antibiotics by showing or showing the doctor in many diseases due to various reasons. In the medical terminology, it is called prescription diversion. Doctors, however, called the trend very dangerous. This increases the rate of antibiotic-resistant infection. Antibiotics stop working in the body.

Doctors say, 'It is not dangerous for him to give antibiotics to those who have not been given, but for the entire population, the reason for the fatality. Once the body does not respond to this antibiotic. If you are sick, then show the doctor. Do not go to the doctor yourself. Its consequences can be fatal.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Is it the right to eat all the fruit together? Learn like expert's.

Is it the right to eat all the fruit together? Learn like expert's.

Update Feb 23/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Both fruit and vegetables are beneficial for health. But not all fruits should be eaten together. There are some results that are acidic. There are some results that are sub-acidic.


There is some kind of some kind of starchy fruit. It includes raw banana.

But there are many vegetables that are of Starchy type. Such as: corn, potato, kaupis etc.
Do not eat these high quality protein-rich fruits and vegetables, raisins, guava, pulp, broccoli etc.)

Both fruit and vegetables are beneficial for health. But not all fruits should be eaten together. According to experts, the issue is not correct. This causes digestive problems. For example, it is not good to eat bananas but with bananas. There is a possibility of vomiting.

Acidic, should not eat sweet fruit with sub-acidic

Do not eat sweet fruits (bananas, raisins, etc.) with acidic (sweet potato, lemon, strawberry) or sub-acidic fruit (apple, pomegranate, pitch etc.). Do not eat bananas and guava together for the same reason. Some studies have suggested that there may be problems with vomiting, acidity and headache.

Do not eat fruits and vegetables together

Fruits and vegetables are differently digested. The fruits are digested very quickly. And there are many sugar in the fruit. Sometimes it prevents digestion of vegetables. Do not eat orange and carrots together for the same reason. May be irritable.
High protein with starchy fruit
There is some kind of some kind of starchy fruit. It includes raw banana. But there are many vegetables that are of Starchy type. Such as: corn, potato, kaupis etc. Do not eat these high quality protein-rich fruits and vegetables, raisins, guava, pulp, broccoli etc.) Because, the body needs Acidic Breath for protein digestion. Elkylines are needed in the diet of starch foods.

Fragile stay at the fitness center to stay healthy, lunch at the office

Fragile stay at the fitness center to stay healthy, lunch at the office

Update Feb 23/2019

By-Manojit biswas

If the lunch at the office is accepted by health, then the energy level also increases. By eating unhealthy foods at the office lunch, many people grow fast, with gastric or other health problems.

At this time, many of us do not care about health at the office work. If you get a little gap in working, then the nabarka grill is eaten. Taking sit work, with the addition of unhealthy diet, it will not take much time to break the body. It is very important to take care of what is happening in the office, especially at lunch.

If the lunch at the office is accepted by health, then the energy level also increases. By eating unhealthy foods at the office lunch, many people grow fast, with gastric or other health problems. Even stress or depression plays a role in preventing unhealthy foods. What to do? Find out some options at the office lunch.

Bread instead of rice

If you have to drink a little bit on the afternoon, then choose the bread without taking the rice. If it is good to have red flour bread With low oil cooked vegetables, a piece of fish or meat can run. Also good options of flour made noodles. You can also choose if you do not want to eat bread. Cooked noodles with fewer vegetables, with different vegetables, keep in mind the taste and health.

Chicken or Fish Salad

You can choose a healthier office lunch as chicken or fish salad. It is very good if you can get it from home, but there is no such problem. Quickly order from the restaurant. Just give meenognita to give up.


Although this food is fast food, sandwiches are nice as a light and healthy food, but of course, except for meogeny. You can choose brown bread instead of white bread. Topping inside is like your own choice. You can get it home quickly.


Oats cooked with milk or sour spices will fill the stomach on one side, and on the other hand, take care of the body. Oats also help reduce weight.

If you want to have a more light lunch, choose some salted crockery, with a sour yogurt and a little honey, some fresh fruit. Choose the right foods, stay healthy.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Find out the symptoms of kidney stones

Find out the symptoms of kidney stones

Update Feb 23/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Many people can not understand this disease in the first condition of the disease. Generally, many symptoms of kidney complications are seen as signs for this disease. Look for the symptoms:

  • Many people have frequent fever due to the disease. Be careful when there is a small temperature but there is a fever that has been repeated.

  • Take care of urine color. If there is a reddish urine, consult a doctor. Urine color may also be red in kidney complications.

  • Skin abdominal pain can spread. This pain is not the case that will last forever. So sometimes be aware of such pain.

  • There is a possibility of vomiting. There are many people who have vomiting.
If you see these symptoms, take certain tests to understand any complications of Renal Stone and Kidney and consult the relevant doctor. According to a specialist doctor, it is possible to avoid the problem of renal stones if following certain rules. But see these rules:

  • Drinking water, but drinking plenty of water is not a healthy sign. Rather understand the needs of the body, know the needs and drink water accordingly. This kidneys will be good.

  • Do not rely on any diet that contains excessive use of calcium. Increases the likelihood of renal stones to take extra milk or dairy products.

  • Is urine in urinary or urinary infection? If you go to the doctor quickly and get alerted from the first.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Understand the color of the tongue

Understand the color of the tongue

Update Feb 22/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Many people say that it is possible to say that there is no disease in the body. According to many, the white color of the eyes is white, how much reddish it is possible to say the health of the hair. In addition to this, it is possible to say more about the health status of the matter. That is the color of the tongue. Doctors suggest that if there is a change in the color of the tongue, contact the specialist immediately. Understand any changes in the color of the tongue, how is the body?

1. If the color of the white tongue cheeses, if the color of the tongue becomes too large, understand that your immunity system or disease prevention has dropped. This problem is often playing antibiotics. If the batter dies due to medicines, there is an additional fat infection in the tongue. In the treatment language it is called an oral thrash. Leukoplakia is a problem due to white-white spots in the tongue. It's dangerous. And cancer can be predicted. White spots are also white spots. But it is not dangerous. Very rare disease. And it is self-evident.

2. The color of red tongue tongue can be red due to various reasons. But the main reason is the lack of vitamins. When the vitamin B-complex in the body decreases the color of the tongue becomes reddish, and it can be the same thing in the absence of iron. However, the tongue of the tongue is very smoother. Other problems are not the case. For example, the red-colored high-low form has been made in the tongue. This is called 'geographic tang'. This is not absolutely harmful. Over time, it gets cured.

3. Black or brown tongue means shakiness of your mouth's health. It can be caused by bacterial or fungal infections. But first consult the doctor. In this case, the upper part of the tongue blossoms takes a high-low form and there is a black hair growth. That is why it is called 'Black Hare Tong'. But this may be the problem with the additional increase of Papilli. If you have a problem with those who smoke, contact the doctor immediately. These problems can be bigger for those with diabetes problems.

4. It is not very unusual for the tongue to burst. Because this problem is with age as well. As a result, it can also be seen as an increase in age. According to doctors, this is not a problem. But it can cause problems. Especially those who do not pay particular attention to the health of the mouth, those who take less on the face of the mouth may be infected with this tongue. Because these cracked tongue cracks can easily be infected. So if this problem is good to contact the doctor.

5. Yellow tongue.This is because everyone knows. It can be yellow tongue if there is a problem of jaundice or liver. But this is also the inflammation of the stomach. So consult a doctor if you see a yellow tongue.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Thorium cabbage can be eaten every day in the body

Thorium cabbage can be eaten every day in the body

Updated Feb 20/2019

By-Manojit biswas

You eat bread every day? But be careful though. Twelve plays the body. It is unknown toxic chemicals mixed in the body. Weight may increase. Causes of thyroid problems can cause the body.

Experts claim that after eating the bread from which the bread is made, the probability of overeating may increase over time. Due to the high amount of salt and sodium, digestion takes too much time.

Many nutrients are removed from the flour during the preparation of the bread. As a result, the bread does not contain standard fiber. Carbon dioxide and bromine toxic compounds are stored in the body. Experts say that playing everyday breadth increases the chances of weight gain. Because the bread has salt, refined sugar and various preservatives.

Many potatoes contain potassium bromate or potassium amode chemical called chemical. Potassium bromate class 2 is marked as carcinogenic. The possibility of cancer when it is in excess quantity. Thyroid problems may be affected by the effects of potassium oyodite.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Cold or hot - How healthy is milk for health?

Cold or hot - How healthy is milk for health?

Updated Feb 18/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Milk is also superfood There are many benefits in both types of milk, cold or hot. However, if your milk is more beneficial for your health, then it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • Milk is also superfood There are many benefits in cold or hot milk, but there is a lot of benefit in milk.
  •  However, it is beneficial to milk your health, consult it with the doctor. 
  • To get calcium in total, release all acids and get rid of indigestion.

This time, the living room: 'No milk, no good boy ...' boy or girl, no matter how good it is to play milk. But milk provides many benefits for health. We all know this. Milk contains plenty of calcium, vitamin D, potassium Most people like to eat milk. But many people have a lot of scary things that do not eat cold or eat hot milk. Let's know

The biggest benefit of hot milk is that, hot milk becomes very fast digested. Prevention of diarrhea, very good hot milk for good sleep.

Cold milk is good for health - many of the benefits of cold milk To get plenty of calcium, all acids are released from indigestion by absorbing them. In the morning playing cold milk, the body remains hydrated throughout the day.

Milk is also superfood There are many benefits in both types of milk, cold or hot. However, no milk is more beneficial for your health, but it is consulted only with the doctor.

However, ulcer patients are always advised to eat cold milk. Any hot food is forbidden to eat them. They will get many remedies when playing cold milk.

Shocking: Fishery Bengalis, the dose of Rose cancer on its feet! Why?

Shocking: Fishery Bengalis, the dose of Rose cancer on its feet! Why?

Updated Feb 18/2019

By-Manojit biswas

The United States Department of Agriculture says researchers claim that tilapia fish may increase the risk of cancer by about 10 percent. The United States Department of Agriculture has found that imported tilapia in Asia is mixed with poisonous poison in fish.

Livelihood Desk: Tilapia is one of the fish that is available all year round. It is a very favorite fish of Bengalis. According to nutritionists, the nutritional quality of this fish is remarkable. Tilapia fish are cultivated in more than 135 countries of the world. Tilapia contains a lot of essential ingredients such as protein, potassium, vitamin B-12, phosphorus.

However, recent studies have found several harmful aspects of Tilapia fish. Scientists claim that this can lead to bone loss, asthma, and even cancer of the mortal diseases such as cancer.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Be careful! Never give your child mobile to eat

Be careful! Never give your child mobile to eat

Update February 17/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Without eating a mobile phone while eating, family members can be rumored. It is very good for the budding boys. Before sleeping, books can be read to leave the mobile phone usage.

Life time: If you do not want to eat the baby in front of the mobile? Once in the cell phone, the call! Eat quickly and eaten. And for this reason, many parents give me mobile phones while I eat. But there is a serious danger to that, they probably do not even know themselves.

Four main medical officers in the UK say they should be banned while eating and sleeping. They should not look at the mobile or computer screens more than 30 minutes in a bit. The study found that there may be tendencies of suicide and even suicide for children, if they are lingered on mobile.

Experts have made a few tips for kids to get mobile addiction These are:

  • Without eating a mobile phone while eating, family members can be rumored. It is very good for the budding boys.
  • Before sleeping, books can be read to leave the mobile phone usage.
  • Discuss discussions about staying safe with young members of the family, so that they may be aware of various games.
  • Do not use mobile phones while crossing the road.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Successful replacement of Wireless Charging Heartpump for the first time in the patient's body

Successful replacement of Wireless Charging Heartpump for the first time in the patient's body

Updated February 15/2019

By-Manojit biswas

A special type of wireless charging heartpump has been made by an Israeli company. The rect monitors are connected with it. How Hartpump is working, which can be understood by seeing the rest monitor. There is also a backup system. There is also a 'wired' charging system as before.

This time Digital Desk: The first replacement of the patient's body is the Wireless Charging Heartpump. This is claimed by Kazakhstan doctors. He told that a heart pumps have been installed in a patient of a patient of twenty-four years.

It has been known that the special type of Wireless Charging Heartpump has been made by an Israeli company. The rect monitors are connected with it. How Hartpump is working, which can be understood by seeing the rest monitor. There is also a backup system. There is also a 'wired' charging system as before. For any reason, if the wireless charging is dropped, then the 'wired' will be charged.

Doctors said that this new technology of Hertpump, first in Kazakhstan, was in the patient's body. The use of wireless charging heartpumps has not yet started anywhere in the world.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Fuguna beware of air! Maybe chicken pox ...

Fuguna beware of air! Maybe chicken pox ...

Updated February 14/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Chicken pox

Handshake Chicken Pox is a contagious disease. This is due to the varicella virus.


As the chicken pox is highly infectious, stay away from the person who has been infected with this disease. If someone has a pox in the house, put him in a comfortable room. If the girls suffer from chicken pox with this disease. If someone has a pox in the house, put him in a comfortable room. If the girls suffer from chicken pox.

Life time: Spring breeze means influenza, chicken pox handicap. Chicken Pox is a contagious disease. This is due to the varicella virus. Typically 10 to 21 days of this disease is affected by infectious disease. This is due to the varicella virus. Generally, 10 to 21 days of this disease is affected

You can follow some issues to prevent chicken pox. For example,

  1. Because chicken pox is highly infectious, stay away from as much as possible from a person who has been infected with this disease.
  2. If you have a house pox, keep it in a comfortable room. But select the place where she does not feel lonely from the family.
  3. Do not use cups, tablets, glasses used by Chicken Pox. Wash such items with hot water and separate dishwashers.
  4. Do not send them to school or outside when the children are infected with chicken pox.
  5. If someone does not have chicken pox before, then they can give vaccine. If someone comes in contact with a patient suffering from chicken pox, then you can give the vaccine within 5 days.
  6. Keep it bitter in the daily diet.
  7. Nimpata in bath water. Also bathe with raw yellow milk.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Increasingly, you can call your life in danger, go on.

Increasingly, you can call your life in danger, go on.

Updated February 13 /2019

By-Manojit biswas

July 27 A recent study found that the danger of excess nuns was found. High Blood Pressure, from Acne Disease Special features of salt, hold water in the body.

  1. If the amount of salt is not high, the excess water can not be released. Then, high blood pressure.
  1.  Uncontrolled hypertension is one of the reasons for cardiovascular disease and brainstroke. 
  1. One of the most important causes of kidney urine from healthy adults is to remove excess salt from the body. 
  1. If the kidneys have such problems, then the excessive nuns can cause serious calamities. 
  1. The kidney, liver, weakens the brain, gradually weakens the bone calcium. Occurrence of osteoporosis occurs.

Recent studies have shown that extra raw nu affects brain neurons. Knowledge related functions have an effect. Strong stomach disorders and colon cancer are one of the most common causes of chronic diseases. It is so quiet to stay healthy.

Weighing at a younger age! Cancer risk is rising

Weighing at a younger age! Cancer risk is rising

Published: February 12/2019

By: Manojit Biswas

Extrateenage age or adolescence may increase the risk of colon cancer later on. Recently, an information has revealed that due to excess fat at the age of a teenager, the risk of colon cancer increased 53 to 54 percent. This risk can be for both men and women.

Recently, an information has revealed that due to excess fat at the age of a teenager, the risk of colon cancer increased 53 to 54 percent. This risk can be for both men and women. At the age of the teenager, the risk of rectal extra fat was increased by 71 percent of men. Women also have the same risk. So, look at the health of colon cancer at an early age, from the age of teenager to reduce the risk of rectal cancer. Take a look at your child that it is not too thick since childhood.