Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Awareness about fertility release is increasing in the city -

Awareness about fertility release is increasing in the city - Maitreya (Special Report) Info

Update mar 13/2019
By-Manojit biswas

The trend of preservation of sperm-ovum is increasing in the metropolitan city of Maitreyi Bhattacharya recently with his 17-year-old son at a nominal Infertility Center.

Save sperm-egg

The trend is increasing in the metropolis

Maitreyi Bhattacharya

Father recently brought his 17-year-old son to a city named Infertility Center. The cancer of the son has been diagnosed. Chemotherapy will start shortly After treatment, the rate of sperm production in the body of the child can be reduced, said the cancer specialist. But cancer does not prevent the reproduction of the son, so parents want to preserve the sperm of sperm through 'sperm freezing'.

Divorce case is going on in the midst of the 40 women corporate workers Before childhood, but want to be born in the future. So she decided to save her egg before it was stopped. Currently the process of conservation is going on in the city's prestigious Infertility Center.

Women reach a certain age when they hear, 'Get married.' After this there will be no more children. ' And if the marriage has been done, then the pressure of family on the couple is to start the family. Because, only one. But now with the help of modern technology to stop reproduction (whose name is Fertility Prezervation) possible through sperm, ovum or embryo preservation. Many young people in the city are now choosing the fertility preservation method to save themselves from the reasons for health reasons or simply 'Biological Clock' races.

What is the matter? Moumitah Naha, a fertility expert at Nova IVi Fertility Center, said, "Sperm from the men's body, collecting eggs from the eggs through the IVF system separately or through the IVF, the fetus is made out of the body and it is stored in freezers at a certain temperature. After donors, they can collect and use them as needed to reproduce. ' The incident is that, after roughly 35 years of age, the egg gradually decreasing the body of the egg. Problems in men are less than that. At the doorstep of fifty, many men have enough sperm stocking for their child's body. However, cancer-like diseases can give intravenous sperm or ovum at a very young age. As a result, many people who want to get married in late marriage or late often face various problems, during childbirth time.

In the words of IVF expert Rohit Agarwal, 'Fertility Preservation has become an alternative route to today's generational. Many couples are coming to us now, so that at the young age, our sperm or egg may even preserve the embryo. The cost of preservation is far less than the amount of financial and emotional discomfort in dealing with infertility.

But pregnancy is sure? How long can it be preserved or sperm, egg or fetus. Goutam Khastagir, chief specialist expert at Infratility Center, Berth, says, "The fetus can be kept for five years. Thereafter, there are some genetic changes in the embryo which can cause some genetic problems of the child. And 90 percent of fetus saving sucess rate. The egg-saving suction rate is usually about 60 percent. However, if 20 eggs are stored at a time, then 12 eggs are usable.

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