Thorium cabbage can be eaten every day in the body
Updated Feb 20/2019
By-Manojit biswas
You eat bread every day? But be careful though. Twelve plays the body. It is unknown toxic chemicals mixed in the body. Weight may increase. Causes of thyroid problems can cause the body.
Experts claim that after eating the bread from which the bread is made, the probability of overeating may increase over time. Due to the high amount of salt and sodium, digestion takes too much time.
Many nutrients are removed from the flour during the preparation of the bread. As a result, the bread does not contain standard fiber. Carbon dioxide and bromine toxic compounds are stored in the body. Experts say that playing everyday breadth increases the chances of weight gain. Because the bread has salt, refined sugar and various preservatives.
Many potatoes contain potassium bromate or potassium amode chemical called chemical. Potassium bromate class 2 is marked as carcinogenic. The possibility of cancer when it is in excess quantity. Thyroid problems may be affected by the effects of potassium oyodite.
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