Friday, 22 February 2019

Find out the symptoms of kidney stones

Find out the symptoms of kidney stones

Update Feb 23/2019

By-Manojit biswas

Many people can not understand this disease in the first condition of the disease. Generally, many symptoms of kidney complications are seen as signs for this disease. Look for the symptoms:

  • Many people have frequent fever due to the disease. Be careful when there is a small temperature but there is a fever that has been repeated.

  • Take care of urine color. If there is a reddish urine, consult a doctor. Urine color may also be red in kidney complications.

  • Skin abdominal pain can spread. This pain is not the case that will last forever. So sometimes be aware of such pain.

  • There is a possibility of vomiting. There are many people who have vomiting.
If you see these symptoms, take certain tests to understand any complications of Renal Stone and Kidney and consult the relevant doctor. According to a specialist doctor, it is possible to avoid the problem of renal stones if following certain rules. But see these rules:

  • Drinking water, but drinking plenty of water is not a healthy sign. Rather understand the needs of the body, know the needs and drink water accordingly. This kidneys will be good.

  • Do not rely on any diet that contains excessive use of calcium. Increases the likelihood of renal stones to take extra milk or dairy products.

  • Is urine in urinary or urinary infection? If you go to the doctor quickly and get alerted from the first.

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