Thursday, 14 February 2019

Successful replacement of Wireless Charging Heartpump for the first time in the patient's body

Successful replacement of Wireless Charging Heartpump for the first time in the patient's body

Updated February 15/2019

By-Manojit biswas

A special type of wireless charging heartpump has been made by an Israeli company. The rect monitors are connected with it. How Hartpump is working, which can be understood by seeing the rest monitor. There is also a backup system. There is also a 'wired' charging system as before.

This time Digital Desk: The first replacement of the patient's body is the Wireless Charging Heartpump. This is claimed by Kazakhstan doctors. He told that a heart pumps have been installed in a patient of a patient of twenty-four years.

It has been known that the special type of Wireless Charging Heartpump has been made by an Israeli company. The rect monitors are connected with it. How Hartpump is working, which can be understood by seeing the rest monitor. There is also a backup system. There is also a 'wired' charging system as before. For any reason, if the wireless charging is dropped, then the 'wired' will be charged.

Doctors said that this new technology of Hertpump, first in Kazakhstan, was in the patient's body. The use of wireless charging heartpumps has not yet started anywhere in the world.

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