Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Awareness about fertility release is increasing in the city -

Awareness about fertility release is increasing in the city - Maitreya (Special Report) Info

Update mar 13/2019
By-Manojit biswas

The trend of preservation of sperm-ovum is increasing in the metropolitan city of Maitreyi Bhattacharya recently with his 17-year-old son at a nominal Infertility Center.

Save sperm-egg

The trend is increasing in the metropolis

Maitreyi Bhattacharya

Father recently brought his 17-year-old son to a city named Infertility Center. The cancer of the son has been diagnosed. Chemotherapy will start shortly After treatment, the rate of sperm production in the body of the child can be reduced, said the cancer specialist. But cancer does not prevent the reproduction of the son, so parents want to preserve the sperm of sperm through 'sperm freezing'.

Divorce case is going on in the midst of the 40 women corporate workers Before childhood, but want to be born in the future. So she decided to save her egg before it was stopped. Currently the process of conservation is going on in the city's prestigious Infertility Center.

Women reach a certain age when they hear, 'Get married.' After this there will be no more children. ' And if the marriage has been done, then the pressure of family on the couple is to start the family. Because, only one. But now with the help of modern technology to stop reproduction (whose name is Fertility Prezervation) possible through sperm, ovum or embryo preservation. Many young people in the city are now choosing the fertility preservation method to save themselves from the reasons for health reasons or simply 'Biological Clock' races.

What is the matter? Moumitah Naha, a fertility expert at Nova IVi Fertility Center, said, "Sperm from the men's body, collecting eggs from the eggs through the IVF system separately or through the IVF, the fetus is made out of the body and it is stored in freezers at a certain temperature. After donors, they can collect and use them as needed to reproduce. ' The incident is that, after roughly 35 years of age, the egg gradually decreasing the body of the egg. Problems in men are less than that. At the doorstep of fifty, many men have enough sperm stocking for their child's body. However, cancer-like diseases can give intravenous sperm or ovum at a very young age. As a result, many people who want to get married in late marriage or late often face various problems, during childbirth time.

In the words of IVF expert Rohit Agarwal, 'Fertility Preservation has become an alternative route to today's generational. Many couples are coming to us now, so that at the young age, our sperm or egg may even preserve the embryo. The cost of preservation is far less than the amount of financial and emotional discomfort in dealing with infertility.

But pregnancy is sure? How long can it be preserved or sperm, egg or fetus. Goutam Khastagir, chief specialist expert at Infratility Center, Berth, says, "The fetus can be kept for five years. Thereafter, there are some genetic changes in the embryo which can cause some genetic problems of the child. And 90 percent of fetus saving sucess rate. The egg-saving suction rate is usually about 60 percent. However, if 20 eggs are stored at a time, then 12 eggs are usable.

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Milk is not cold or hot, which one do you choose for health?

Milk is not cold or hot, which one do you choose for health?

Update mar 10/2019

By-Manojit biswas


The packet of milk that we usually buy from the store passes through different chemical processes. This milk is eaten by heating. However, the milk of Tetra pack can be eaten in cold condition.

At this time, you can not say good to milk, you can not deny the benefits of milk. Many think that milk is just for young children. In fact, every day one glass of milk should be eaten by everyone. The milk loves to eat hot, and the choice is cold milk. Find out, cold or hot, milk is more beneficial in any situation.

The packet of milk that we usually buy from the store passes through different chemical processes. This milk is eaten by heating. However, the milk of Tetra pack can be eaten in cold condition. Because this milk does not go through the chemical process, its nutritional quality remains high. But keep in mind that cold drinks can only be eaten in the morning. Cold milk at night causes us to break down our digestion.

Another benefit of eating cold milk is that it helps reduce weight. Calcium in cold milk increases your metabolism rate. The result is to burn more calories. But it is good to not eat cold milk during winter and season changes. Colds can be coughing when playing this cold milk. If there is a problem of insomnia, but not cold, eat hot milk.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Lemon water in the morning, keep it under control, these 4 problems

Lemon water in the morning, keep it under control, these 4 problems

Update mar 6/2019

By-Manojit biswas

If the morning starts with the help of food, then the day will also be used. But just starting with the morning? Not only this drink, but this drink in an empty stomach before breakfast ...

This time, the Digital Desk: Many people have probably heard the advice of eating lemon juice in warm water in the stomach after getting up every morning. But you know, what is the benefit of any one day drinking a glass of lemon? Take a look at ...

Weight control

A whole spleen juice in a glass of warm water. Meatballism rate will increase due to rules of the day. As a result of reduced weight. Antioxidant

Free radicals in your body are more harmful to you. Antioxidants work like magic to keep it under control. There is a lot of antioxidants on the one side of lemon water, as well as Vitamin C

Prevent kidney stones

Citric acid stored in lemon water helps to detect harmful calciumed deposits in the kidneys. Kidney is healthy. It is possible to be stone-proof.

Digestion enhances energy

Liquor juice plays a regular role in making liver more quantities of bile which helps digestion as well as digestion.

Sunday, 3 March 2019

At the beginning of the day, only 5 Tulsi leaf will reduce the weight of the magic!

At the beginning of the day, only 5 Tulsi leaf will reduce the weight of the magic!

Update mar 4/2019
By-Manojit biswas

Experts say Tulsi oil makes our breathing better. It is rich in antioxidants that help reduce stress, calm nerves, and keep diabetes and high blood pressure patients better.

Life time: Tulsi trees live in many of our homes. Tulsi leaves are used in Puja. Salted cows are also mixed with honey and adhesive juice, and they are beneficial in the preparation of weed leaf. But do you know, weighing leaf weight is also very effective? Yes, it is true, though surprising. Tulsi leaves also play an important role in reducing body weight.

Experts say Tulsi oil makes our breathing better. It is rich in antioxidants that help reduce stress, calm nerves, and keep diabetes and high blood pressure patients better. Tulsi has linoleic acid which is extremely beneficial for the skin. Every 5-6 leaves of Tulsi leaves leaves toxic toxins from the body and increases digestion.

Tulsi leaves can increase your metabolism. Our body's metabolic rate determines how many calories will be burnt throughout the day. Tulsi leaf makes the process of metabolism strong. As a result, the food helps to burn more calories by digesting it quickly. As the Tulsi leaves rich in antioxidants help to remove toxins from the body, so metabolism rate increases calories more. In the morning, eating some tulsi leaves in an empty stomach is beneficial.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Forget the bangal-tat, paste khan for your body!

Forget the bangal-tat, paste khan for your body!

Update mar 2/2019
By-Manojit biswas


Potassium contains several useful minerals such as iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium. So be sure to post in the post office.

This time, living on the desk: the paste of the poison forever nectar! Bangla tongue is not less. However, in spite of the globalization stairs, there is still a tie-up with Bengal-Bengal struggle.

However, whatever is said, potato-paste, onion-paste, shrimp-paste, shrimps are made, and sometimes it is just a paste. Hot rice with a little bit of raw oil, raw chili and onion in the pot, is great! Non-Bengalis do not go too low. The pots are also used in the karmas from the sweet to the beginning. The poster has many things. The paste of lemon juice mixed with pasteurized to itching or wound is easy to relax. If you put a paste on the face with raw milk as a cosmetic and keep it in a while, then the skin is removed. It can also be used as a paste scraps with yogurt. Benefits of Posting -

  1. Ulcers or lesions can occur on the face when the body gets too hot. Poddana keeps the body cold, prevents the ulcer from the mouth. Sugar mixed with pasteed tomatoes will give you quick breathing in the pain of mouth ulcer.
  2. There is plenty of fiber in the paste. So constipation is removed. To remove constipation, you can eat chopped rice with hot rice.
  3. Those who have insomnia eat poisoned bowls and sugar before mixing them. Quick sleep will come.
  4. Due to fatty acids in posters, blood cholesterol decreases. The result is good heart. To prevent heart disease or heart attack, keep a couple of notes on the daily diet list.
  5. The bone strengthens the bones due to calcium and phosphorus in the posture.
  6.  Different types of skin diseases such as itching or rash poisoning are very fast.
  7. Having good calcium, iron and copper are good for the brain.
  8. Increased immunity to disease prevention. Apart from this, due to the abundance of junk, resistance to the body increases.